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As the carrig-PlugIn seems to fail in some cases:
How musst a realtraffic vehicle been structured to be used as a transport-object?
So, I think, the wheels have to be seperated - evryone under a NullObject. The wheels are then positioned under an other Null-Object called Body. Chasis and other parts have to be placed also in this Null-Object, richt? Is there any rule how objects have to be seperated (for example the different parts of an wheel?).
Where do the axis have to be positioned for the Body / the Weels.
In which series the wheels have to be positioned under the Body-Object?
Would be fine to find this in future Manuals.
CINEMA 4D version 21
in RealTraffic :: Traffic Simulator by (240 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The Object structure is given automatically when creating a car. A decription how to work with the simulation object containers can be find in the chapter "Vehicle Object" in the manual. The wheel objects have to be placed on the same hierachy level than the body in the series front left, front right, rear left rear right (resp. other wheels of a multi wheeler).

There is also a video tutorial available on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/channels/c4dplugintutorials/215167039
by (2.7k points)
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